Jun 10, 2024

7–8 pm (free beer for members), 8 pm (performance)

Members event: Loren Connors

Free for members. Members can RSVP to morgan@blankforms.org.

To culminate our summer membership drive, Blank Forms and Grimm Artisanal Ales invite members to gather for drinks and a rooftop performance by Loren Connors.

Loren Connors, one of the world’s most singular guitarists, has been a fixture of Blank Forms’ programming since our very first concert, a rare showcase of his solo piano work. Prolific as a performer and recording artist, Connors has played on more than 100 releases across over four decades, honing a distinctive yet ever-evolving approach that has spanned his early takes on Delta bottleneck style, fragile song-based albums with Suzanne Langille, and the expansive, painterly abstraction that has defined his current style. Connors has earned the admiration of many, leading to collaborations with the likes of John Fahey, Jim O’Rourke, Keiji Haino, and Kim Gordon. Blank Forms has presented Connors’ work in a myriad of contexts, including two exhibitions of his drawings and paintings, and a collection of his haiku-like poems.
